Our Work
Bringing Good News of Jesus Christ to children, young people, and families to encounter God daily through the Bible and prayer,
leading them to a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, nurturing them holistically so that they can achieve christian maturity and become instruments of transformation
Children Ministry
Our prayer is that children become informed of the Love of God, know Jesus, and make the decision to follow him and help their peers to do the same. we achieve this based on scriptures that say :"Instruct the child according to the path he should follow; and when he is old, he will not turn away from it." (Proverbs 22:6).
While collaborating with different partners, our main activities are:
Raising awareness of church leaders to promote children ministry
Training of children monitors coming from different churches.
Screening of the Jesus film is relevant to children.
Distribution of Christian literature to children
Evangelization of children.
Discipleship of children.
Evangelization of children through games (KIDSGAMES).

Light in the Darkness
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

OneHope partnered with Joyce Meyer Ministries to create Unstoppable, a special-edition Book of Hope for girls, ages 10-14. We’re thrilled to be able to offer this resource for girls to be able to explore the truth of God’s Word and realize they are valued as daughters of God.

Stories of Hope
Designed to engage and speak to the heartfelt needs of children and youth within various cultures, clearly showing God’s redemptive plan through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. The Gospel is broken down into pieces and messages children and youth can understand.

Lead Today
After a four-year study spanning more than 150,000 teens in 44 nations, it was found that most teens did not understand the importance of developing strong leadership skills. Lead Today, is a program that fills this gap by guiding teens through lessons on biblical servant leadership, character strength, and practical application of leadership skills.

"Leading Today" has helped me realize that I am responsible for most of what happens around me. I now exercise leadership at school and on some level at home.
Jordi David

Bible Reading Program
The Bible Reading Program focuses on calling people of all ages to meet God daily through Bible Reading and Prayer. It fulfils this call through the conception, production, and sale of the Bible Reading Guide « UMUSOMYI WA BIBILIYA » which is annually produced. SU also distributes Bible Reading cards to members of Bible Groups from high schools. The bible reading program also raise awareness of young people in regular and systematic Bible Study at a personal level and within Small Groups amongst school Bible Clubs and Church leaders.
Youth Ministry
Within the schools, we do train and follow up emerging leaders who aspire to the different directions of social life. These courageous young leaders need the Bible not only in their heads, but also in their hearts. Our approach to them is a 6-year program of reading the whole Bible and regular discipleship follow-up. we then organize trainings about behavior change and leadership. We praise the Lord that we already have different leaders within churches and local administration; and this witnesses the impact of our specific programs.

The economic situation in Burundi is affecting almost all families, to the point where they are struggling to make ends meet. One way of overcoming that situation is to encourage church and communities to save so that they can develop income-generating projects. Our entrepreneurship program is a based on biblical principles